Sunday, March 10, 2013

MUST WATCH FILM: Graffiti Artists Vs. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Featuring artist MEAR ONE, who was introduced in a previous post, along with other graffiti artists in California (Vyal One, Werc, Griffin One, and Ernest Doty) standing against GMOs using their talent. Very informative and impressive video.
"We're literally just a science experience for them.  They're like, well, we're not really sure what it [GMOs] does so lets just feed it to them and make a few million dollars and in the end we'll figure out what works and what doesn't.  In the end they've already made their money."

Short Film: Graffiti Artists vs. GMOs
"Some of California's dopest graffiti artists -- Mear One, Vyal One, Werc, Griffin One, and Ernest Doty -- have created high-impact murals to raise awareness for the labeling of Genetically Modified" 

Facebook pages of featured artists:
(As always "like" to support!) 

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